
National Integrity Framework

Sport is an Australian way of life. It brings people together, transcending differences in language, ability, culture and beliefs, and provides physical, social and economic benefits.

Threats to sports integrity include competition-manipulation, doping, and behaviours that impact people’s positive experience of sport, such as discrimination or abuse. Integrity in sport means that athletes, supporters and fans can participate and celebrate sport, confident in the knowledge that they are part of a safe, ethical and inclusive environment.

Archery Australia takes integrity seriously.

All our members have an obligation to protect and maintain the integrity of sport, as well as the health and wellbeing of our athletes.

We work closely with Sport Integrity Australia, the national agency established to protect sport against integrity threats. For more information visit the Sport Integrity Australia website.

Reporting Integrity Issues 

Everyone from athletes, parents, support personnel, administrators and supporters play a role in protecting the integrity of our sport.

If you see something, say something!

Archery Australia has opted-in to the independent complaints handling process for integrity-related issues run by Sport Integrity Australia.

From 29 August 2022, concerns or complaints about alleged breaches of our National Integrity Framework can be reported directly to Sport Integrity Australia through the following methods:

  • Filling in a formal complaint or reporting a concern through the form on the Sport Integrity Australia website
  • Phoning 13 000 27232
  • Completing the ‘report an issue’ form in the Sport Integrity App. This can be anonymous if you choose.


Our Integrity Policies:

We take sport integrity seriously and have the following policies in place:

National Integrity Framework

Member Protection 

Child Safeguarding

Child Safeguarding Policy – SA Addendum

Improper Use of Drugs and Medicine

Competition Manipulation and Sport Wagering​

Complaints, Disputes and Discipline 


All policies and guidelines can be found here.

Over the coming weeks, this page will have information added to it regarding education and further resources (including Fact Sheets) to help members navigate this area of the sport.


