Archers Diary

Archer’s Diary

“The official scoring and tournament management software of Archery Australia Inc.”

Archery Australia is pleased to announce the pending release of Archer’s Diary the official scoring and tournament management software of Archery Australia Inc.

Thanks must go to the newly formed Archery Australia IT Committee who as their first initiative have assisted Archery Australia Inc in the signing of a licensing agreement for the use of a web-based Archer’s Diary by all Archery Australia affiliated clubs and members.

The IT Committee was created to provide guidance, advice and assistance to Archery Australia Inc in the selection, management and development of the sports IT Technical capabilities and initiatives.

The IT Committee is now forming working groups to assist with specific projects such as the new online tournament management and scoring system, a judge’s and coaches database and an online training system.

To do this, the IT Committee is asking you for help.

The IT Committee would like to receive any suggestions or offers from Volunteers who may be able to assist. Please email the Committee at


What is the Archer’s Diary?

Archer’s Diary is the official scoring and tournament management software of Archery Australia Inc. and has been created by an Archer for Archers. It is available free of charge to all Archery Australia affiliated Clubs to use with all AA registered members.

Have a look at to see more details.

The Archers’ Diary is an online, scoring and tournament management system that will enable Clubs and RGBs to manage and conduct activities and tournaments by providing –

·       Easy entry and event management to reduce the workload for club volunteers

·       Data entry of scores using either paper scorecards or live online entry using hand held devices

·       Live online viewing of results

·       Automatic updating of an individuals personal records – scores, rating, classifications, ranking, personal bests, shooting average, awards and many more features

·       Automatic updating of clubs records

·       Automatic updating results including personal ratings

·       Online Training

Long-term the system will help to provide Archery Australia Inc with the following –

·       Automatic National Handicap System

·       Automatic National Rating System

·       Automatic National Ranking List

·       Automatic Records system (for all levels of the sport)

·       Automatic claiming of personal awards and classification awards

·       And many more features


How does my Club start to use the Archery Australia endorsed scoring and event management software, Archers Diary? 

The first step is to fill in a couple of forms. (Archers Diary Form 1) The first form is where the Club authorises who from the club will access and use the system on their behalf. This is usually the Club Recorder or another Club representative.

(Archers Diary Form 2) The other form required is a confidentiality agreement form that needs to be filled in and returned to Archery Australia Inc by the person who will be accessing the system.

Clubs will be contacted shortly about registering to use the system and obtain these forms.

This is an exciting time for Archery Australia Inc and we look forward delivering the Archers Diary to everyone.



Archers Diary offer extensive online training as well as video training. To view training CLICK HERE.

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