
Archery Australia through the annual fee paid by each individual affiliate provide group insurance. This insurance is provided over five areas; Public Liability, Personal Accident, Association Liability, Professional Indemnity and Travel Insurance.

Public Liability Policy

Archery Australia provides RGBs, Clubs and individual affiliates (members) with a twenty five million dollar Public Liability Policy. The policy covers the Club/RGB and its members against injury or damage to other member/s and the members of the general public against injury and property damage.

Cover is provided to members of the public engaged in instruction (Come N Try) or a visitor (Temporary Member) and all current financial registered affiliates (members) irrespective of age of Archery Australia while shooting on an approved and registered archery venue or taking part in an approved activity.

Clubs must register their total shooting members and ensure any person shooting on their venue is currently registered with Archery Australia as a Member or Temporary Member. Failure to register all persons shooting or engaged in approved Club activities at a Club venue or failure to comply with Temporary Membership rules may void the policy.

The Archery Australia Public Liability also covers Clubs conducting archery activities on venues away from the registered Club venue.

Any activity away from the registered Club venue must be conducted to Archery Australia Shooting and Safety rules, the Club should undertake a Risk Analysis of the venue and activity. The Club must advise Archery Australia of the activity and the venue arrangements so this information can be kept on file and added to the Club venues list.

The policy does not cover members if they are shooting in their backyard or on a venue not registered with Archery Australia or engaged in an activity not approved by the Club or registered with Archery Australia.

Certificate of Currency 2024

To ensure compliance and coverage by the Public Liability Policy, Clubs MUST ensure all persons shooting or undertaking instruction or coaching on their venue are currently financial registered affiliates (members) of Archery Australia or as a Temporary Member and they comply with the Archery Australia Constitution, Rules, Policies and Procedures.

2022 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (expires 01/03/2023)

2023 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (expires 01/03/2024)

2024 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (expires 01/03/2025)

2025 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (expires 01/03/2026)

Combined Liability Policy Wording 05.24 (1)

NOTE – To make changes to the insured parties list included in the Certificate of Insurance, please contact

Personal Accident/Volunteer Insurance

Blend VW Accident Insurance (2025)

2022 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (expires 01/03/2023)

2023 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (expires 01/03/2024) 

2024 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (expires 01/03/2025) 

2025 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (expires 01/03/2026)

Management Liability

Archery Australia offers coverage to Directors and elected Officers of Archery Australia, RGBs and Clubs against errors and omissions in their conduct of the organisation. All Officers of Archery Australia, the RGB or Club must be registered affiliates or employees.

Who is Insured?

Directors and Officers of Archery Australia and all affiliated State Bodies and Incorporated Clubs are covered. Although, in some circumstances, non-Incorporated Clubs may be covered.


Professional Indemnity

Archery Australia provides professional indemnity for Coaches, Judges and Officials who are registered affiliates of Archery Australia for errors and omissions and professional negligence.

Any person carrying out instruction or coaching and not a registered member of Archery Australia or not an accredited Instructor or Coach, does so at their own risk.

All Archery Australia accredited instructors and coaches or instructors and coaches under training are covered by the Archery Australia Insurance Policy.

The Archery Australia Insurance Policy covers instructors and coaches when they are engaged in sanctioned and approved Club, RGB or Archery Australia activities.

Instructor and coaches must be current financial registered members of Archery Australia.

This also includes activities external to the Club such as School and Community activities, but the activity must be approved and sanctioned by the Club, RGB or Archery Australia.

Instructors and Coaches may be paid for their time or out of pocket expenses but such amounts must be approved and paid by or with agreement of the Club, RGB or Archery Australia.

Archery Australia insurance DOES NOT cover Instructors or Coaches who operate a private business or conduct instruction or coaches activities external to the Club, RGB or Archery Australia which is NOT a sanctioned or approved activity.

This non-sanctioned or non-approved instruction or coaching even if conducted at a Club, RGB or Archery Australia venue will not be covered if not been approved or sanctioned by the Club, RGB or Archery Australia.

The Archery Australia Insurance policy only covers Instructors and Coaches who follow Archery Australia Coaching Program and Guidelines.

Community Archery Instructors are not covered by the Archery Australia Insurance Policy as this level of accreditation relates to Instructors who are not Archery Australia members and conduct their activities with community-based groups who should have their own insurance cover.

Travel Insurance Policy

Archery Australia arranges annually a competitive Travel Insurance policy for Archery Australia officials and National Team members attending approved competitions, locally and internationally.

We are currently in discussions with our insurer about being able to provide individual quotes for members under this policy if you are intending to travel and the trip involves an archery activity please contact the Archery Australia Office for more information.


Policy Certificate of Currency for ARCAUS – Policy 054128 – 12 Mar 2025

