2020 Annual General Meeting


Date – Sunday 22nd November 2020

Time – 11am

Annual General Time Table:

  • No later than 10 weeks prior to AGM motions to the AGM are to be received by CEO.
    • Sunday 13th September 2020
  • No later than 8 weeks prior to AGM distribute Draft Agenda.
    • Sunday 27th September 2020
  • No later than 6 weeks prior to AGM amendments to motions are to be received
    • Sunday 11th October 2020
  • No later than 4 weeks prior to the AGM distribute Final Agenda to the Voting Members.
    • Sunday 25th October 2020


Final Notification and Agenda – Click Here

2019-2020 Audited Financial Statements – Click Here

2019 AGM Minutes – Click Here

2019 AGM Minutes (updated headings) – Click Here


Presidents Report – Click Here

Constitution and Rules Committee – Click Here

Coach Development Committee – Click Here

IT Committee – Click Here

High Performance Committee – Click Here

Tournament and Records Committee – Click Here

Officials Committee – Click Here

Audit and Risk Committee – Click Here

AGM – First Notice and AgendaClick Here

Due to the current restrictions in travel, the 2020 AGM will be held via Teleconference. To attend this year’s AGM members must register their details including their membership number via a link (Click Here) or by writing to admin@archery.org.au. Details of the online AGM will then be sent to those who have signed up for the AGM no later than Friday 20th November 2020.
