Guidelines for Rebooting Archery into the Community

Archery Australia remains committed to complying with advice provided by the Federal Government for all archery activities under its control. While we look to relaunch Archery within the community, in a pandemic, small numbers become big numbers very quickly and we cannot afford for any sporting organisation or club to be the source of a community outbreak/second wave. The safety and well-being of our participants and community is our priority.

Guidelines for Level A (Sport Australia Framework for Rebooting Sport):

  • The responsibility lies with individual Archery Club and members to ensure that they are fully aware of and compliant with their own State Government legislation, Federal Government Legislation and any RGB advice,
  • Only outdoor club activity can operate, no indoor archery activities are currently permitted.
  • Hand sanitiser should be made available at each club.
  • Archers should practice safe hygiene at all times, including washing hands for at least 20 seconds before and after any archery activity.
  • State legislation on the maximum persons allowed at the archery club at any one time must be followed at all times. Booking systems may need to be in place for this to happen to restrict social gatherings.
  • Archery equipment cannot be shared between archers.
  • One Archer Per Lane – unless a family are shooting who live at the same address.
  • It is recommended that only every second lane is opened/in use to help maintain social distances of 1.5m.
  • No field archery is currently permitted unless in groups of one archer per target.
  • No archery tournaments, QRE’s or planned events are currently permitted (excluding online shooting competitions).

Guidelines for Level B (Sport Australia Framework for Rebooting Sport):

  • The responsibility lies with individual Archery Club and members to ensure that they are fully aware of and compliant with their own State Government legislation, Federal Government Legislation and any RGB advice,
  • Outdoor and Indoor club activity can operate
  • Hand sanitiser should be made available at each club.
  • Archers should practice safe hygiene at all times, including washing hands for at least 20 seconds before and after any archery activity.
  • State legislation on the maximum persons allowed at the archery club at any one time must be followed at all times. Booking systems may need to be in place for this to happen to restrict social gatherings.
  • Archery equipment cannot be shared between archers.
  • Appropriate distancing between archers should be adhered to at all time
  • Field archery is permitted provided social distancing and restrictions in number of participants are adhered to.
  • No archery tournaments, QRE’s or planned events are currently permitted (excluding online shooting competitions).
  • Sport Australia have provided a practical resource for clubs that provide a roadmap for a safe return to club activities – Click Here

Guidelines for Level C (Sport Australia Framework for Rebooting Sport):

  • The responsibility lies with individual Archery Club and members to ensure that they are fully aware of and compliant with their own State Government legislation, Federal Government Legislation and any RGB advice,
  • Full training and competitions can resume
  • Archers should practice safe hygiene at all times, including washing hands for at least 20 seconds before and after any archery activity
  • Hand sanitiser should be made available at each club.


Guidelines for Rebooting Archery into the Community – Summary (PDF)
