Proof of Membership

Proof of Membership

At a recent AA Board meeting the decision was made to accept the proposed changes to the AA rules in the eligibility section of the rule book. This is the area that will set the need to provide proof of membership prior to shooting in any Club, State or National events.

Why is this required ?

To ensure that all people shooting are covered by the AA insurance policy and are eligible to claim awards and prizes as currently financial members of their Club, State and Archery Australia.   This also removes the burden from the event organisors of having to check the financial state of all entrants and places the onus on the actual archer.

What does this mean to me ?

At sign in or before commencement of shooting you will need to provide proof of membership.

This proof can be in the form of a current Archery Australia Membership Card or a recent receipt showing your membership payment at your club in the interim whilst waiting for your AA card.

When does this come into effect ?

The associated rule changes will come into effect as of the 1st of January 2014 but Clubs should already be asking for proof of membership now to ensure that they and their members are protected by the AA Insurance Policies.

What if I have not received my membership card ?

AA issues membership cards within 14 days of your membership being processed into the Membership System. If you have not received your card within the two weeks of paying your fees at your Club then you should follow up with either Archery Australia or your Club to see whether your membership has been processed.

To allow for this your recent receipt of payment from your Club will be accepted whilst you are waiting for your card.

(Note: Clubs that are not processing their own memberships can have a delay as they forward them onto their State for Processing.)

Online renewals processed into the AA Membership system either directly by the club or paid directly by the member will result in your records being instantly updated.

NOTE: it is very important that the address shown on your membership record is correct to ensure that your card is sent to you. We currently have a lot of cards returned due to not at this address errors.

What if I am a member of an Archery Alliance organisation competing in a cross participation event ?

Then you can show your current membership card from that Organisation showing you are a current financial member.

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