2019 Annual General Meeting

Date – Sunday 17th November 2019

Location – Holiday Inn, Melbourne Airport

Time – 9am

Final Notification and Agenda – Click Here

2018-2019 Audited Financial Statements – Click Here

2018 AGM Minutes – Click Here


Coach Development Committee – Click Here

Constitution and Rules Committee – Click Here

High Performance Committee – Click Here

IT Committee – Click Here

Officials Committee – Click Here

Para and VI Committee – Click Here

Presidents Report – Click Here

Tournament and Records Committee – Click Here

 Audit and Risk Committee – Click Here (Late Item)

Annual General Time Table:

·        No later than 10 weeks prior to AGM motions to the AGM are to be received by CEO (8th September 2019)

·        No later than 8 weeks prior to AGM distribute Draft Agenda (22nd September 2019)

·        No later than 6 weeks prior to AGM amendments to motions are to be received (6th October 2019)

·        No later than 4 weeks prior to the AGM distribute Final Agenda (20th October 2019)

Notice Of Motion Form – Click Here
