Coach Accreditation Transfer

Coach Accreditation Transfer

To enable a smooth transition, and to bring the current Archery Australia (AA) coach accreditation in line with the AA updated coach accreditation, the following will occur:

  • All Archery Instructors will be transferred to become Level 1 Coaches
  • All Club Coaches will be transferred to become Level 2 Coaches
  • All Regional Coaches will be transferred to become Level 3 Coaches
  • All Coaching accreditation expiry dates between 31st October 2019 and 31st December 2021 will be extended until December 31st
  • All coaching accreditation that has an expiry date after 31st December 2021, will be valid until the stated expiry date.
Old Classification New Classification
Archery Instructor Level 1 (Participation Coach)
Club Coach Level 2 (Development Coach)
Regional Coach Level 3 (Pathways Coach)


  • With these transfer arrangements AA is recognising the prior learning, experience, knowledge and skills of existing coaches, however, some continuing professional development will be required moving forward.


Transfer Process:

To ensure that all coaches have the opportunity to transfer their accreditation, the following process is required to be completed:

  • Automatically Transfer every coach over to the relevant Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 provided they complete the online form – TBC
  • There will be no fee for the transfer of accreditation to the new system
  • For all Coaches that already hold Level 1 and Level 2 Coach accreditation, their accreditation or accreditation expiry date does not change (unless it falls before the 31st December 2021).


Initial Re-accreditation:

Coaches will have up until the 31st of December 2021 to re-accredit and maintain their new accreditation:

Level 1:

  • Complete Level 1 online pre-learning modules
  • Attend Re-accreditation course covering: Coaching Philosophy, Communication & Learning and Session Planning
  • Submit Working with Children Check


  • Complete Level 1 online pre-learning modules
  • Attend full Level 1 Course
  • Submit Working with Children Check


Level 2:

  • Complete Level 2 online pre-learning modules
  • Submit Working with Children Check/Vulnerable People/Blue Card or equivalent
  • Complete Online Courses:
    • Sport Australia Community Coaching General Principles
    • Sport Integrity Australia Anti-Doping Course
    • Play by The Rules – Inclusive Coaching Online Course
  • Attend Reaccreditation course covering: Coaching Philosophy, Applied Psychology, Strength and Conditioning, Practical Coaching and Session Planning


  • Complete Level 2 online pre-learning modules
  • Attend full Level 2 Course
  • Submit Working with Children Check/Vulnerable People/Blue Card or equivalent
  • Complete Online Courses:
    • Sport Australia Community Coaching General Principles
    • Sport Integrity Australia Anti-Doping Course
    • Play by The Rules – Inclusive Coaching Online Course

Level 3:

  • Re-accreditation details for Level 3 Coaches to follow (please contact with any questions)


Ongoing Re-accreditation:

  • For the subsequent re-accreditation periods beyond 2023 new and additional CDP modules will be developed by AA or offered for credit externally.


New Coaches Accreditation:

Level 1:

  • Must have been a member of AA for a minimum period of one year
  • Complete Level 1 online pre-learning modules
  • Attend Level 1 Course
  • Submit Working with Children Check/Vulnerable People/Blue Card or equivalent
  • Minimum 16 years of age at completion

Level 2:

  • Must have been a Level 1 Coach for a minimum period of 12 months
  • Complete Level 2 online pre-learning modules
  • Attend Level 2 Course
    • Assisted in at least 2 recognised Archery Australia programmes (Ozbow / beginners’ courses) in the previous 12 months prior to application.
  • Complete Online Courses:
  • Sport Australia Community Coaching General Principles
  • Sport Integrity Australia Anti-Doping Course
  • Play by The Rules – Inclusive Coaching Online Course
  • Submit Working with Children Check/Vulnerable People/Blue Card or equivalent
  • Minimum of 18 years of age at completion 


  • All prerequisites/pre-learning for Level 1 and Level 2 accreditation are online and self-paced.

Please click here to view the Level 1 and Level 2 Coach Accreditation Framework

Should you require further information, please contact

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