2023 Annual General Meeting

Notice is herby given that Archery Australia Limited has called a Annual General Meeting:

Date – Sunday 26th November 2023

Time – 9am (AEDT)

Venue – Melbourne Airport Holiday Inn, Melbourne, Victoria

AGM Documentation:

Annual General Time Table:

2023 AGM Timeline:

  • At least 45 days prior to the proposed date of the AGM, the CEO will request from Voting Members notices of motions:
    • Thursday 12th October 2023
  • Motions to be received no less than 28 days prior to the AGM:
    • Sunday 29th October 2023
  • At least 21 days’ notice of the time and place of a General Meeting must be given, together with:
  1. all information required to be included in accordance with the Corporations Act;
  2. in the case of a proposed Special Resolution, the intention to propose the Special Resolution and the terms of the proposed Special Resolution;
  3. where applicable, any notice of motion received from any Voting Member or Director in accordance with the Corporations Act; and
  4. where applicable, a list of all nominations received for positions to be elected at the relevant General Meeting.
    • Sunday 5th November 2023

Should you wish to attend the AGM please email info@archery.org.au with your details
