NEWS FLASH Archery Australia Coaching Development Seminars The Archery Australia High Performance Program is planning two Coach Development Seminars in January and February 2013 as follows; Seminar One. Venue: Canberra at AIS Archery Facility Dates: Thursday 24 and Friday 25 January 2013 Seminar Two. Venue: Brisbane in Queensland, Facility TBC Dates: Saturday 16 February and Sunday 17 February 2013 The Coach Development Seminars will be conducted in conjunction with a week long High Performance Athlete Training Camp. Criteria for invitation to the Athlete Training Camp will be disseminated shortly. CRITERIA FOR COACH SEMINARS Coach Seminars will be open to all current instructors and coaches, athletes? personal coaches or members interested in pursuing a career in coaching. COST A fee of $50 per head will be changed for each two day Coach Seminar. Participates will be expected to cover their travel, accommodation and meals. SEMINAR PRESENTER We are please to advise that Mr Hyung Tak Kim international recognised Coach and Director of the Coach Kim Archery School will be presenting the seminar. Coach Kim acted as the Consultant Coach for the 2012 Archery Australia Olympic Shadow squad. Interested in attending submit the application form to – Archery Australia High Performance Manager Email Fax 02 9772 2749 Post Archery Australia High Performance Manager 4/39 Elgin St, Alderley QLD 4051 Registeration Form REGISTER AND PAY ONLINE SEMINAR ONE SEMINAR TWO SEMINAR PROGRAM Day 1 09:00-10:00 Development of young archer 10:20-12:00 Basic Skill 14:00-15:30 Basic Skill 16:00-17:30 Basic Skill Day 2 09:00-10:20 Teaching method for Basic Skill 10:40-12:00 Analysis for High level skill 14:00-15:30 Archery equpiment. 16:00-17:30 Weight training and mental training
Coaching Seminar
12 月 13, 2012