ARCHERY SCORE INDEX PROGRAM Archery Australia has just released a program written by James Park to assist RGB, Clubs and Individuals to quickly and accurately calculate Ratings. This is a free … ARCHERY SCORE INDEX PROGRAM Archery Australia has just released a program written by James Park to assist RGB, Clubs and Individuals to quickly and accurately calculate Ratings. This is a free program being provided by Archery Australia. This program will only run on a Windows PC, at present. The computer must have installed .NET 3.5 and .NET 3.5 SP1 if you are using Windows 7 or Windows 8, these programs should already be installed. If you are not using Windows 7 or Windows 8 than .NET 3.5 and .NET 3.5 SP1 can be downloaded from Microsoft free of charge. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ARCHERY SCORE INDEX To install the program, run the setup file. Click on the link to download the ZIP file that contains all the necessary files. Next, extract the files and a folder you choose on your hard drive. Next run setup.exe Once setup to run, go to the Windows Start Menu and select All Programs and then Archery Score Index. The program will allow you to quickly calculate Score to Rating or Rating to Score for both Archery Australia and World Archery rounds. NOTE: Archery Australia and World Archery rounds are copyright protected and can only be used by recognised Archery Australia, RGBs and registered Archery Australia Clubs. Other organisations or Clubs cannot utilise these rounds or this program without written permission from Archery Australia. If you feel you have found an error or wish to make a suggestion to enhance the program, please send an email to and your comments will be passed onto James Park
3 月 10, 2013