
Archery Australia Scorecard Templates.

Update 2022

Archery Australia has provided to RGBs and Clubs a complete set of scorecard templates that must be used for a tournaments and QREs registered on the Archery Australia and RGB Calendars.

The use of these templates ensures consistency and compliance with current World Archery and Archery Australia Rules.

These scorecards must be used in conjunction with The Archer’s Diary and will always remain as the official hard copy record of any score.

NOTE:  These scorecards have been set up in Excel format. When printing the scorecards they need to be scaled to fit on one page.

Ensure you select “Fit to Page” or “1 page high by 1 page wide” and use “0 margins” to ensure that the scorecard fits onto a single page correctly before printing. Please print a test page before printing large quantities. 

SCORECARD TEMPLATES – Updated 2022 Scorecards

HOW TO SCORE 2022 – Helpful document for members detailing the correct process for scoring and completing a scorecard.

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