Temporary Membership

Archery Australia some years ago established a category of membership called “Temporary Member”. This was done to overcome insurance concerns and to allow more people to experience the sport.


Everyone shooting at your club/RGB must be current financial affiliate (members) of Archery Australia as either an Affiliate or Temporary Member, if not they do not comply with the Archery Australia Constitution and conditions of the insurance policy and the club/RGB may be at risk.

Temporary Membership is firstly intended for NON MEMBERS of Archery Australia who are taking part in an instruction course or Archery Come N Try.

Temporary Membership is also intended for visitors. These could be visitors or Archery Alliance members who are NOT currently registered with Archery Australia but wish to shoot at your club/RGB or enter an Cross Participation event.

By making visitors Temporary Members both the non member and your club/RGB is covered for insurance, but again, Temporary membership does NOT replace Full Membership.

Temporary Membership provides no rights or privileges other than Public Liability insurance coverage.


All NON MEMBERS taking part in an instruction activity, irrespective of the duration of the course, must take out Temporary Membership.

Your club/RGB may wish to invite Archery Alliance members  (ABA or 3DAAA) to engage in Cross Participation tournament or club activity; in this case Temporary Membership forms should be used. Temporary membership does not replace any restriction placed on an individual by an Archery Alliance member. Allowance of Alliance Members to compete in an Cross  Participation activity is at the sole discretion of the organising committee or host club/RGB.

For people undertaking instruction there is a maximum of 12 visits permitted. These 12 visits do not need to be consecutive but can be split over a longer period.

Temporary membership is not Associate membership.

A visitor or Archery Alliance member can attend a maximum of 4 times in a year. If a visitor wishes to visit more than 4 times in a year they should consider joining the club.

At all times Temporary Membership for the purpose of instruction or as a visitor/cross participation are two separate activities and can not be combined .

It is recommended that clubs/RGBs charge a fee for Temporary Membership which is retained by the club/RGB and hopefully used to develop coaching and member’s facilities at the club/RGB.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does Temporary membership last?

For an instruction class the maximum period is 12 visits while under instruction. Following the instruction course people wishing to shoot at a club/RGB will be expected to join.

For visitors or Archery Alliance members there is a maximum of 4 times a year. After this number of visit the individual will be expected to join the Archery Australia through a club.

The important point is, Temporary membership does not replace full membership and is not a method of avoiding membership or any restrictions imposed by an Archery Alliance association.

When do people need to complete the forms?

There are 2 types of forms INDIVIDUAL/GROUP and GROUP forms. For instruction classes the person must complete a form which will cover them for the duration of the course. For visitors a form must be completed each time they attend the club/RGB.

What do we do with the completed forms?

These should be returned quarterly to –

Archery Australia
P.O. Box 32,
Sydney Markets NSW 2129

Can we use Temporary Membership when the club/RGB is holding activities away from the club/RGB venue?

For example the club/RGB is invited to hold an activity at a school fete, community activity or camp which involves members of the public having a try at archery.

Answer – Providing the activity is approved and supported by the club/RGB and a Risk Analysis of the activity has been undertaken and recorded in club/RGB meeting minutes Temporary Membership can be used.

As you may be allowing large groups to participate the group temporary membership form should be used.

Of course the venue to be use must be set up following Archery Australia Safety Policy and the club /RGB should have carried out a Venue Safety Inspection.


The process for Temporary Member, is very simple, if a person wishes to shoot at your club/RGB or as part of an activity arranged by your club/RGB, the person MUST be a registered with Archery Australia to ensure they are covered for Public Liability Insurance, a Temporary Membership form MUST be completed and sent to Archery Australia.

If the visitor is an Alliance member the club MUST view the individuals current membership card to either ABA or 3DAAA, a Temporary Membership form MUST be completed and sent to Archery Australia.

The completed Temporary Member form must be sent onto Archery Australia quarterly. Archery Australia will kept on file in case of a claim and for proof of Temporary Membership.

If you have any further questions contact



Temporary Membership Form – Individual

Temporary membership Form – Group

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